RPMI 1640, with L-glutamine (500ml) B0004-01
RPMI 1640, with Phenol Red
[+] L-Gln
[-] Sodium Pyruvate
[-] HEPES -
DPBS, without Calcium without Magnesium (500ml) 0001-01
Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline
[-] Calcium Chloride
[-] Magnesium Chloride -
MesenPlify™ sXF Xeno-Free, Serum-Free Human MSC Expansion Media C0001
MesenPlify™ sXF is a complete xeno-free, serum-free media for MSC culture. It has been optimized for the expansion of MSCs from human source. MesenPlify™ sXF does not require pre-coating treatment of culture to allow a simplified workflow for MSC culture.
The complete kit contains two components, a 470mL Basal Media (S0001) and 30mL Supplement (SU0001).